Consultar programa [PDF]
Justiça e Relações Internacionais
News Flash – Justice Division
Human Rights and Legal Affairs Report on "European judicial systems - Edition 2008 (2006 data)" The report on the evaluation of European judicial systems will be launched by the Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) on Wednesday 8 October at a Council of...
Convegno Modena 12 e 13 dicembre 2008
Programme du colloque de Modena [pdf]
Revista “Il Foro Italiano” e “Jueces para la Democracia”
Revista "Il Foro Italiano. Ver resumo aqui Revista "Jueces para la Democeacia". Ver resumo aqui
Concurs de contes infantils “Drets humans al carrer”
Ajuda'ns a explicar millor els drets humans amb un conte infantil. Participa en el concurs "drets humans al carrer" El 10 de desembre de 2008 es compliran 60 anys des que es va proclamar la Declaració Universal dels Drets Humans, text que recull els 30 drets...
Newsletter n.º 3 do Sindicato da Magistratura Francesa
Troisième numéro de notre lettre électronique d'information syndicale "J'Essaime ... pour une autre justice", daté de septembre 2008 [PDF] Sommaire de la lettre Dossier spécial «Réforme de l'organisation de la justice» Page 4 - Témoignage : Au coeur de la commission...
Revista MPD Dialógico
Publicação nº. 19 Publicação nº. 20
International Symposium
Programa do International Symposium about “Judicial independence in Europe – Models of self-government and self-responsibility" – que irá decorrer a 7 e 8 de Novembro em Frankfurt. [PDF]
Statut et carrière des juges et procureurs
Documento do Conseil Consultatif de Juges européens (CCJE) que pode ser consultado aqui
Links para consulta
- Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) - Council of Europe - Internet Portal - Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)
Judges of the United Nations dispute Tribunal (3 full-time & 2 half-time judges) located in New York, Geneva and nairobi
Judges of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal (7 Judges) Sessions to be held at dates to be fixed by the rules of the Appeals Tribunal The United Nations is in the process of establishing a new internal system for the administration of justice to resolve...
South African judge appointed to head new UN internal justice body
11 June 2008 - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appointed Justice Kate O'Regan of South Africa as the fifth member and chairperson of the Internal Justice Council - established by the General Assembly to help ensure independence, professionalism and accountability in...